Coniglio R, Díaz, G, López D, Restelli M, Grassi E, Albertó E, Zapata P. Solid-state bioprocessing of sugarcane bagasse with Auricularia fuscosuccinea for phenolic compounds extraction.

Puig ML, Rodríguez AA, Vidal AA, Bezus R, Maiale SJ. Patterns of physiological parameters and nitrogen partitioning in flag leaf explain differential grain protein content in rice.

Vissio PG, Di Yorio MP, Pérez-Sirkin DI, Somoza GM, Tsutsui K, Sallemi JE. Developmental aspects of hypothalamic-pituitary network related to reproduction in teleost fish.

Descubren la capacidad de un tipo de bacterias marinas para captar azúcares complejos durante la floración de algas

Nieva AS, Romero FM, Erban A, Carrasco P, Ruiz OA, Kopka J. Metabolic profiling and metabolite correlation network analysis reveal that Fusarium solani Induces differential metabolic responses in Lotus japonicus and Lotus tenuis against severe phosphate starvation.

Avanzan en el desarrollo de una vacuna contra la toxoplasmosis

Sánchez-López EF, Corigliano MG, Oliferuk S, Ramos-Duarte VA, Rivera M, Mendoza-Morales LF, Angel SO, Sander VA, Clemente M. Oral immunization with a plant HSP90-SAG1 fusion protein produced in Tobacco elicits strong immune responses and reduces cyst Number and clinical signs of Toxoplasmosis in mice.

Fermani P, Metz S, Balgué V, Descy JP, Morana C, Logares R, Massana R, Sarmento H. Microbial eukaryotes assemblages and potential novel diversity in four tropical East-African great lakes.

Greco M, Pose G, Pardo A. Growth characterization and predictive behavior of Eurotium species in a feedstuff matrix.

Comprueban la acción de una proteína capaz de revertir el desarrollo de fibrosis hepática

Orellana LH, Francis TB, Ferraro M, Hehemann JH, Fuchs BM, Amann RI. Verrucomicrobiota are specialist consumers of sulfated methyl pentoses during diatom blooms.