Nuevo financiamiento del NIH para Investigadores del INTECH

Se llevaron a cabo las 1º Jornadas Itinerantes de Epigenética

Maestría en Agrobiotecnología - Abierta la inscripción

Briñoccoli Y, Bogan S, Arcila D, Rosso JJ, Mabragaña E, Delpiani SM, Diaz de Astarloa JM, Cardoso YP. Molecular and morphological evidence revalidates Acrobrycon tarijae (Characiformes, Characidae) and shows hidden diversity.

Temperini CV, Aluminé Tudela MA, Gimenez GN, Di Masi SN, Pardo AG, Pose GN. Brown spot of pear, an emerging disease in Argentina: identification and pathogenicity characterization of Argentinean Stemphylium vesicarium isolates.

Buet A, Luquet M, Santa-María GE, Galatro A. Can NO signaling and its metabolism be used to improve nutrient use efficiency? Toward a research agenda.

Wang B, Mechaly AS, Somoza GM. Overview and new insights into the diversity, evolution, role, and regulation of kisspeptins and their receptors in teleost fish.

Langer SE, Marina M, Francese P, Civello PM, Martínez GA, Villarreal NM. New insights into the cell wall preservation by 1-methylcyclopropene treatment in harvest-ripe strawberry fruit.

García I, García de Souza J, Plaul SE, Miranda LA, Colautti D. Effect of photoperiod and temperature on ovarian maturation in the small characid fish Cheirodon interruptus.

Vargas R, Madriz L, Márquez V, Torres D, Kadirova ZC, Yubuta K, Hojambnerdiev M. Elucidating the enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of zinc-blende ZnS/wurtzite ZnO heterojunction and adsorption of water molecules by molecular dynamics simulations.

Entrevista a la Dra. María Marina - Argentina contra el Hambre

Nardelli SC, Silmon de Monerri NC, Vanagas L, Wang X, Tampaki Z, Sullivan WJ Jr, Angel SO, Kim K. Genome-wide localization of histone variants in Toxoplasma gondii implicates variant exchange in stage-specific gene expression.