Metz S, Huber P, Mateus-Barros E, Junger PC, de Melo M, Bagatini IL, Izaguirre I, Cámara dos Reis, Llames ME, Accattatis V, Quiroga MV, Devercelli M,  Schiaffino MR, Niño-García JP, Bastidas Navarro M, Modenutti B, Vieira H, Saraceno M, Sabio y García CA, Pereira E, Gonzalez-Revello, Piccini C, Unrein F, Alonso C, Sarmento H. A georeferenced rRNA amplicon database of aquatic microbiomes from South America.

Contreras SM, Zambrano Siri RT, Rivera EM, Cristaldi C, Kamenetzky L, Kim K, Clemente M, Ocampo J, Vanagas L, Angel SO. Architecture, Chromatin and Gene Organization of Toxoplasma gondii Subtelomeres.

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Diambra L, Alonso AM, Sookoian S, Pirola CJ. Single cell gene expression profiling of nasal ciliated cells reveals distinctive biological processes related to epigenetic mechanisms in patients with severe COVID-19.

Goikoetxea A, Servill A, Houdelet C, Mouchel O, Hermet S, Clota F, Aerts J, Fernandino JI, Allal F, Vandeputte, Blondeau‑Bidet E, Geffroy B. Natural cortisol production is not linked to the sexual fate of European sea bass.


Hojamberdiev M, Mora-Hernández J M, Vargas R, Heppke EM, Yubuta K, Yamakata A, Kadirova Z, Torres-Martínez L, Teshima K, Lerch M. Eliciting the contribution of TiN to photoelectrochemical performance enhancement of Imma-LaTiO2N at neutral pH. 

Zhang X, Pramod K, Puchalski P, Leehan JD, Rossi FR, Okumoto S, PIlot G, Danna CH. MAMP-elicited changes in amino acid transport activity contribute to restricting bacterial growth.

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Costa MRA, Sarmento H, Becker V, Bagatini IL; Unrein F. Phytoplankton phagotrophy across nutrients and light gradients using different measurement techniques.

Alata Jimenez N, Strobl-Mazzulla P. Folate carrier deficiency drives differential methylation and enhanced cellular potency in the neural plate border.