Noticias / Izaguirre I, Zagarese H, O´Farrel I. The limnological trace of contemporaneous anthropogenic activities in the Pampa Region. Izaguirre I, Zagarese H, O´Farrel I. The limnological trace of contemporaneous anthropogenic activities in the Pampa Region. Compartir en redes socialesCompartir en FacebookCompartir en Twitter Publicado el 19 de abril de 2022 Tags:anthropogenic impact CONICET eutrophication; historical analysis INTECH lagoons lakes as sentinels Izaguirre I, Zagarese H, O´Farrel I. The limnological trace of contemporaneous anthropogenic activities in the Pampa Region. Ecología Austral 32. En prensa. CompartirCompartir en FacebookCompartir en Twitter