Alberti MM, Pérez-Chávez AM, Niveiro N, Albertó E. Towards an optimal methodology for basidiomes production of naturally occurring species of the genus Oudemansiella (Basidiomycetes).

Denofrio MP, Villarruel FD, Erra-Balsells R, Ogilby PR, Wolcan E, Cabrerizo FM. Spectroscopic and quantum chemical characterization of the ground and lowest electronically excited singlet and triplet states of halo- and nitro-harmines in aqueous media.

Svagelj WS, Gómez-Laich A, Pérez MR, Somoza GM, Quintana F. Sex-specific environmental sensitivity on the postnatal growth of a sexually size-dimorphic seabird.

El INTECH recibe por primera vez, de la mano de la Dra. Natalia de Miguel, el Premio Estímulo 2021 otorgado por la Fundación Bunge y Born.

El futuro del ambiente en Antártida

Alulema-Pullupaxi P, Espinoza-Montero PJ, Sigcha-Pallo C, Vargas R, Fernández L, Peralta-Hernández JM, Paz JL. Fundamentals and applications of photoelectrocatalysis as an efficient process to remove pollutants from water: A review.

Rueda H, Arenas M, Vargas-Balda R, Blanco S, Delvasto P. Production of a nickel-based catalyst for urea electrooxidation using spent batteries as raw material: Electrochemical synthesis and implications from a circular economy stand-point.

Premios Científicos Fundación Bunge y Born 2021 a la Microbiología

Dos proyectos presentados por investigadores de nuestro Instituto en el marco de la convocatoria “Ciencia y Tecnología contra el Hambre” han sido favorecidos con financiamiento.

Madriz L, Cabrerizo FM, Vargas R. Exploring chemical kinetics at home in times of pandemic: following the bleaching of food dye allura red using a Smartphone.

Sánchez ML, Schiaffino MR, Graziano M, Huber P, Lagomarsino L, Minotti P, Zagarese H, Izaguirre I. Effect of land use on the phytoplankton community of Pampean shallow lakes of the Salado River basin (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina).

Sánchez ML, Schiaffino MR, Graziano M, Huber P, Lagomarsino L, Minotti P, Zagarese H, Izaguirre I. Effect of land use on the phytoplankton community of Pampean shallow lakes of the Salado River basin (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina).