Alomar ML, Yañuk JG, Angel SO, Gonzalez MM, Cabrerizo FM. In vitro effect of harmine alkaloid and its N-methyl derivatives against Toxoplasma gondii.

Buscan caracterizar tres biofertilizantes de uso agroecológico

Rossi FR, Gárriz A, Marina M, Pieckenstain FL. Modulation of polyamine metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana by salicylic acid.

Pérez Sirkin D, Di Yorio MO, Delgadin TH, Honji RM, Guimarães Moreira R, Somoza GM, Vissio PG. Post-spawning feed deprivation effects on testicular and ovarian maturation in the neotropical cichlid fish Cichlasoma dimerus.

O´Farrel I, Sanchez ML, Schiaffino MR, Izaguirre I, Huber P, Lagomarsino L, Yema L. Human impacted shallow lakes in the Pampean plain are ideal hosts for cyanobacterial harmful blooms.

Cumpa-Velásquez LM, Moriconi JI, Dip DP, Castagno LN, Puig ML, Maiale SJ, Santa María GE, Sannazzaro AI, Estrella MJ. Prospecting phosphate solubilizing bacteria in alkaline-sodic environments reveals intra-specific variability in Pantoea eucalypti affecting nutrient acquisition and rhizobial nodulation in Lotus tenuis.

REBECA GUBER impulsora, junto al Dr. Ricardo Alfonsín, de la creación del Instituto Tecnológico de Chascomús (INTECH)

Macoretta CL, Miranda LA. Cooling of siamese fighting fish Betta splendens (Teleostei, Osphronemidae) embryos at low temperatures.

Defensa de Tesis Doctoral - Licenciada Liz Marjory Cumpa Velásquez

Mantz GM, Rossi FR, Viretto PE, Noelting MC, Maiale SJ. Stem canker caused by Phomopsis spp. Induces changes in polyamine levels and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in pecan leaves.

Gualano LA, Moriconi JI, Oliferuk S, Silva M, Tranquilli GE, Santa-María GE. Barley plants carrying the altered function Sln1d allele display modified responses to low phosphorus supply: implications for phosphorus utilisation efficiency.

Quiroga MV, Huber P, Ospina-Serna J, Diovisalvi N, Odriozola M, Cueto GR, Lagomarsino L, Fermani P, Bustingorry J, Escaray R, Zagarese H, Unrein F. The dynamics of picocyanobacteria from a hypereutrophic shallow lake is affected by light-climate and small-bodied zooplankton: a 10-year cytometric time-series analysis.