Quiroga MV, Valverde A, Mataloni G, Casa V, Stegen JC, Cowan D. The ecological assembly of bacterial communities in Antarctic wetlands varies across levels of phylogenetic resolution.

Solmi L, Rosli HG, Pombo MA, Stadler S, Rossi FR, Romero FM, Ruiz OA, Gárriz A. Inferring the role of the metabolism of polyamines in the phytopathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas Syringae: a meta-analysis approach.

Bertucci JI, Blanco AM, Navarro JC, Unniappan S, Canosa LF. Dietary protein:lipid ratio modulates somatic growth and expression of genes involved in somatic growth, lipid metabolism and food intake in Pejerrey fry (Odontesthes bonariensis).

Metz S, Huber P, Accattatis V, Lopes dos Santos A, Bigeard E, Unrein F, Chambouvet A, Not F, Lara E, Devercelli M. Freshwater protists: unveiling the unexplored in a large floodplain system.

Lozada M, Zabala MS, García PE, Diéguez MC, Bigatti G, Fermani P, Unrein F, Dionisi HM. Microbial assemblages associated with the invasive kelp Undaria pinnatifida in Patagonian coastal waters: structure and alginolytic potential.

Lara I, Bustamante C, Villarreal N. Editorial: Fruit responses to biotic and abiotic Stressors during postharvest.

Alberti M, Jaramillo Mejía S, Pérez-Chávez M, Lio V, Albertó E. Effects of incubation time and “Browning” on yield and proximate composition of the edible mushroom Lentinula edodes.

Izaguirre I, Zagarese H, O´Farrel I. The limnological trace of contemporaneous anthropogenic activities in the Pampa Region.

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Maestría en Agrobiotecnología - Abierta la inscripción

Briñoccoli Y, Bogan S, Arcila D, Rosso JJ, Mabragaña E, Delpiani SM, Diaz de Astarloa JM, Cardoso YP. Molecular and morphological evidence revalidates Acrobrycon tarijae (Characiformes, Characidae) and shows hidden diversity.