27/05/2022 | News"Los virus como grandes protagonistas de nuestra historia y por qué es un buen momento para hablar de Dengue"
24/05/2022 | Scientific promotionSueiro MC, Palacios MG, Trudeau VL, Somoza GM, Awruch CA. Anthropogenic impact on the reproductive health of two wild Patagonian fish species with differing reproductive strategies.
24/05/2022 | NewsSueiro MC, Palacios MG, Trudeau VL, Somoza GM, Awruch CA. Anthropogenic impact on the reproductive health of two wild Patagonian fish species with differing reproductive strategies.
23/05/2022 | NewsNuevos Investigadores/as Adjuntos/as en nuestro InstitutoEl pasado 18 de Mayo se dieron a conocer los nuevos ascensos dentro de la estructura que conforma la Carrera de Investigador/a Científico del CONICET, siendo estos los resultados de la convocatoria PROMO CIC 2020. A partir del 1º de Junio los nuevos Investigadores Adjuntos son: Dra. Mariana Corigliano - Laboratorio de Molecular Farming y...
19/05/2022 | Scientific promotionQuiroga MV, Valverde A, Mataloni G, Casa V, Stegen JC, Cowan D. The ecological assembly of bacterial communities in Antarctic wetlands varies across levels of phylogenetic resolution.
19/05/2022 | NewsQuiroga MV, Valverde A, Mataloni G, Casa V, Stegen JC, Cowan D. The ecological assembly of bacterial communities in Antarctic wetlands varies across levels of phylogenetic resolution.
17/05/2022 | NewsSolmi L, Rosli HG, Pombo MA, Stadler S, Rossi FR, Romero FM, Ruiz OA, Gárriz A. Inferring the role of the metabolism of polyamines in the phytopathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas Syringae: a meta-analysis approach.
17/05/2022 | Scientific promotionSolmi L, Rosli HG, Pombo MA, Stadler S, Rossi FR, Romero FM, Ruiz OA, Gárriz A. Inferring the role of the metabolism of polyamines in the phytopathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas Syringae: a meta-analysis approach.
16/05/2022 | NewsBertucci JI, Blanco AM, Navarro JC, Unniappan S, Canosa LF. Dietary protein:lipid ratio modulates somatic growth and expression of genes involved in somatic growth, lipid metabolism and food intake in Pejerrey fry (Odontesthes bonariensis).
16/05/2022 | Scientific promotionBertucci JI, Blanco AM, Navarro JC, Unniappan S, Canosa LF. Dietary protein:lipid ratio modulates somatic growth and expression of genes involved in somatic growth, lipid metabolism and food intake in Pejerrey fry (Odontesthes bonariensis).