11/08/2022 | NewsHojamberdiev M, Mora-Hernández J M, Vargas R, Heppke EM, Yubuta K, Yamakata A, Kadirova Z, Torres-Martínez L, Teshima K, Lerch M. Eliciting the contribution of TiN to photoelectrochemical performance enhancement of Imma-LaTiO2N at neutral pH.
11/08/2022 | NewsZhang X, Pramod K, Puchalski P, Leehan JD, Rossi FR, Okumoto S, PIlot G, Danna CH. MAMP-elicited changes in amino acid transport activity contribute to restricting bacterial growth.
11/08/2022 | Scientific promotionZhang X, Pramod K, Puchalski P, Leehan JD, Rossi FR, Okumoto S, PIlot G, Danna CH. MAMP-elicited changes in amino acid transport activity contribute to restricting bacterial growth.
03/08/2022 | Scientific promotionCosta MRA, Sarmento H, Becker V, Bagatini IL; Unrein F. Phytoplankton phagotrophy across nutrients and light gradients using different measurement techniques.
03/08/2022 | NewsCosta MRA, Sarmento H, Becker V, Bagatini IL; Unrein F. Phytoplankton phagotrophy across nutrients and light gradients using different measurement techniques.
13/07/2022 | NewsAlata Jimenez N, Strobl-Mazzulla P. Folate carrier deficiency drives differential methylation and enhanced cellular potency in the neural plate border.
08/07/2022 | Scientific promotionMiranda LA, Somoza GM. Effects of anthropic pollutants identified in Pampas lakes on the development and reproduction of pejerrey fish Odontesthes bonariensis.
08/07/2022 | NewsMiranda LA, Somoza GM. Effects of anthropic pollutants identified in Pampas lakes on the development and reproduction of pejerrey fish Odontesthes bonariensis.
06/07/2022 | NewsImportante financiamiento para el desarrollo de una plataforma vegetal para la producción de vacunas veterinariasNota realizada por Conicet La Plata 6-7-2022 Investigadores e investigadoras del CONICET, el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) y las universidades nacionales de La Plata (UNLP) y Mar del Plata (UNMdP) recibieron un importante subsidio de parte de la Secretaría de Articulación Científico Tecnológica (SACT) del Ministerio...