Abiotic and biotic stress in plants Laboratory


































































Personal de Apoyo







What are the causes of stress in plants? What are abiotic or biotic stresses? As in other organisms, plant stress can be originated from changes in the environmental conditions (abiotic stress), or as a product of the interactions established by plants with organisms such as fungi, bacteria, and virus (biotic stress). In this trend, the presence of high levels of salts (salt stress), the absence (water stress) or the excess (flood stress) of water, and changes in the temperatures conduce to abiotic stress, as well as the excess of agrochemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides. In turn, biotic stress is caused by pathogenic microorganisms that invade plant tissues originating wilting of plants, leaf spots, root rot or damages in seeds. However, there is a group of invading microorganisms that cause beneficial effects on plants, increasing their tolerance to stress and/or promoting their growth and development.

Our projects try to understand the molecular bases that explain the responses of plants to stress, and use this knowledge to optimize management strategies of crops with agronomic interest, enhancing plant production without causing damage to the environment:

Research Lines
Effect of suboptimal temperatures on the production of rice (Oryza sativa). (Dr. Rodríguez).
Molecular interactions between plants and microorganisms. Role of the polyamine metabolism (Dr. Gárriz/Dr. Rossi).
Legumes and livestock production in the Salado River Basin. Productive aspects, soil improvement strategies and contribution to the environment (Dr. Ruiz)
Nutrition and improvement of rice (Oryza sativa). (Dr. Maiale).
Defense mechanisms in rapeseed against the phytopathogenic fungus Phoma lingam (Dr. Rossi).
Microbial endophytes as a biotechnological alternative for the control of disease in horticultural brassica species. The role of the microbial polyamine metabolism in the colonization of the plant apoplast and the control of diseases (Dr. Romero)


2024 Publications
2023 Publications
2022 Publications
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2020 Publications
2019 Publications