20/01/2021 | NewsDel Fresno PS, Colautti DC, Berasain GE, Miranda LA. Gonadal development in pejerrey (Odontesthes bonariensis) during spawning season in relation with sex steroids and temperature variation in Gómez lake (Pampas region, Argentina).
08/01/2021 | NewsContreras SM, Ganuza A, Corvi MM, Angel SO. Resveratrol induces H3 and H4K16 deacetylation and H2A.X phosphorylation in Toxoplasma gondii.
07/01/2021 | NewsAntonelli CJ, Calzadilla PI, Campestre MP, Escaray FJ, Ruiz OA. Contrasting response of two Lotus corniculatus L. accessions to combined waterlogging–saline stress.
05/10/2020 | NewsCanosa LF, Bertucci JI. Nutrient regulation of somatic growth in teleost fish. The interaction between somatic growth, feeding and metabolism.
05/10/2020 | NewsSathicq MB, Unrein F, Gómez N. Recurrent pattern of picophytoplankton dynamics in estuaries around the world: The case of Río de la Plata.
05/10/2020 | NewsVillarruel FD, Denofrio MP, Erra-Balsells R, Wolcan E, Cabrerizo FM. Photophysical and spectroscopic features of 3,4-dihydro-β-carbolines: a combined experimental and theoretical approach.
24/08/2020 | NewsYoung BJ, Cristos DS, Crespo DC, Somoza GM, Carriquiriborde P. Effects of 17α-ethinylestradiol on sex ratio, gonadal histology and perianal hyperpigmentation of Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Pisces, Poeciliidae) during a full-lifecycle exposure.
24/08/2020 | NewsHuber P, Metz S, Unrein F, Mayora G, Sarmento H. Environmental heterogeneity determines the ecological processes that govern bacterial metacommunity assembly in a floodplain river system.
24/08/2020 | Scientific promotionAlonso MA, Diambra L. SARS-CoV-2 Codon Usage Bias Downregulates Host Expressed Genes With Similar Codon Usage
16/06/2020 | NewsRol biológico del empaquetamiento del genoma y sus modificaciones en el parásito que causa la ToxoplasmosisEn el INTECH se están estudiando los mecanismos por los cuales el parásito intracelular causante de la toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii) lleva a cabo funciones biológicas importantes como su diferenciación, lo que resulta fundamental para comprender su biología y así encontrar nuevos métodos para controlar la infección, e incluso para...