26/12/2022 | Scientific promotionSánchez ML, Izaguirre I, Zagarese H, Schiaffino MR, Castro Berman M, Lagomarsino L, Chaparro G, Baliña S, Vera MS, Spence Cheruvelil K.
12/11/2021 | Scientific promotionCastro Berman M, O´Farrel I, Huber P, Marino D, Zagarese H. A large-scale geographical coverage survey reveals a pervasive impact of agricultural practices on plankton primary producers.
30/07/2021 | Scientific promotionO´Farrel I, Sanchez ML, Schiaffino MR, Izaguirre I, Huber P, Lagomarsino L, Yema L. Human impacted shallow lakes in the Pampean plain are ideal hosts for cyanobacterial harmful blooms.