08/07/2022 | NewsMiranda LA, Somoza GM. Effects of anthropic pollutants identified in Pampas lakes on the development and reproduction of pejerrey fish Odontesthes bonariensis.
22/03/2022 | NewsWang B, Mechaly AS, Somoza GM. Overview and new insights into the diversity, evolution, role, and regulation of kisspeptins and their receptors in teleost fish.
09/03/2022 | NewsGarcía I, García de Souza J, Plaul SE, Miranda LA, Colautti D. Effect of photoperiod and temperature on ovarian maturation in the small characid fish Cheirodon interruptus.
27/10/2021 | NewsVissio PG, Di Yorio MP, Pérez-Sirkin DI, Somoza GM, Tsutsui K, Sallemi JE. Developmental aspects of hypothalamic-pituitary network related to reproduction in teleost fish.
05/05/2021 | NewsDel Fresno P, Collautti DC, Berasain GE, Miranda LA. Comparative analysis of pejerrey fish (Odontesthes bonariensis) gonadal development during two consecutive spawning seasons in relation to sex steroids and temperature variation in Cochicó Lake (Pampas Region, Argentina).
16/03/2021 | NewsArias Padilla LF, Castañeda-Cortés DC, Rosa IF, Moreno Acosta OD, Hattori RS, Nóbrega RH, Fernandino JI. Cystic proliferation of germline stem cells is necessary to reproductive success and normal mating behavior in medaka.